We have incorporated the use of micro grafts of fat enriched with stem cells to the newest techniques of mini lifting with local anaesthetic, day case and structural lipo grafts.
Restoration of volume in facial rejuvenation:
Up until some time ago the techniques of lifting were based in the stretching of the tissue on the face. In these past years, the use of fillers (hyaluronic acid etc.) have been added primarily to improve wrinkles not producing any effect on the loss of volume which is evident in the facial ageing process.
The micro grafts of fat – lipostructure- have become the best way to replace and restore the facial volume e.g. the temple, the forehead, lips and cheeks. In STEMCLINIC we often use this technique as a one time treatment with excellent results.
The future and advances in Facial Plastic Surgery
In STEMCLINIC we impulse the facial Plastic Surgery at the most advanced level incorporating in selected cases, the fat enriched with stem cells in our treatments.
This is how:
- The results are more consistent because they conserve the most part of the fat which does not usually need more than one session.
- It is possible to obtain a substantial rejuvenation, regenerating changes due to solar damage and ageing as well as the loss of volume.
The stem cells and regenerative cells offer their unique characteristics to the facial level to improve the blood vessels, correcting the healing process.
How is it done?
With a mini liposuction with local anaesthetic, a small amount of fat is extracted usually from the abdomen. This is processed immediately in the operating theatre using GID-GROUP (USA) technology, associating the stem cells and regenerative cells which are used to enrich the fat grafts which are applied immediately.